Oak Ridge is an unincorporated community in Passaic County of just over 11,000 people. The county's median household income is $73,562. Residential properties have a median property value is $352,000. Currently, the county's poverty rate is 14.8%. 

Women in the county currently earn an average of $67,739 per year. Men earn 1.37 times that amount. This leaves Oak Ridge and the rest of the county with an inequality rating on the Gini Index of 0.49. That rating is higher than the national average. 

More than 244,000 county residents are employed, including those who live in Oak Ridge. Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and the Retail Trade provide the greatest number of jobs. The highest paying jobs are found in the Utilities, Management of Companies & Enterprises, and Finance & Insurance industries.

People living in Oak Ridge can rest easy knowing help is close by if some sort of catastrophic event takes place. Call Best Option Restoration of Tri-State when the need for support with an emergency cleanup and restoration arises. With their help, recovering from the event will be a lot easier. 

Serving Oak Ridge, New Jersey


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Best Option Restoration of Tri-State in Oak Ridge is committed to serving you and your loved ones no matter the disaster. Our team is chalked with experience, knowledge, and the equipment necessary to make sure your home is left restored.


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